Saturday, February 7, 2009

What is 10 times rarer than a UFO Sighting?!

As much as I loathe blogging about my friends, here is something that I couldn't but blog about.

The picture below is strange. Strange cause it contains 2 extremes. One part of the picture is such a common sight, and the other part is sooo so rare that this pic was clicked by a member of my class (no worries there, I wont reveal the name, and that's a promise!) during the lec, lest its idiosyncratic-effect disintegrates during break-time.

Time for some explanation .. First the uncommon sighting. The gentleman you see on the extreme right is my compatriot Sayuj, the blue-shirt is Rhys and the lady is Sam. This pic was, is and will be the first and the last time that either of these three superstars will have ever set seat on the first row in any class!

Now for the second part which is soooo so common, infact so common that its not quite talked about. The respected scholar standing at the door is our very own 'Pratik-turned-Patrick'. So what's so common about him standing at the door .. you may legitimately wonder. Well if you were keen enough, you'd notice that he's actually walking into class a good 15 minutes late (observe that Sayuj is already in). Aw-right, okay .. you werent observant coz that's so common too :) ... and they used to teach us in kindergarten that walls have ears and potatoes have eyes. If that can be true, then why not mobile phone cam lenses. Say what?