Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Whats in Reserve?

Well yes, I was interviewed by the famed 'Reserve Bank of India' for a Summer Internship position. My my .. I couldn’t believe what I saw. The interiors were so plush I'd rate it just half-a-shade lower than a 5 star hotel, by which I mean the Taj Krishna and Taj Banjara in Hyderabad and the Taj Hotel on MG Road, Bangalore (I forgot the name). I mean there were marble floors, leather sofas, full-glass tea-poys, professional bankers, a powerful a/c, top of the line cutlery, jaded carpets, pretty high profile .. and certainly a far cry from the dinghy "teller" counter I used to deposit my pocket money in -- as a little boy many years ago.
Was a bit unwell and trembling with shivers while interviewing. The HR General Manager, a kind gentleman, personally took care of me with coffee, medicines and snacks and propped me up for the interviews. By God's grace I did the interview to my satisfaction - the results will be out in another week or so. FYI, my interview was held at the RBI Governor's office (RBI Gov is the guy whose signature is there on the indian currency notes). So what else did I see at the RBI Headquarters?
I'd love to tell you, but .. hmm .. I'm so sorry, I've signed that non-disclosure policy.
... Too bad :(

I did see a lot of other *very* interesting things, though - stuff worth writing home about ;-)

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